Give It Away #2
How To Combat Modern Slavery
In the last blog entry, in the spirit of Passover, I entreated us all to think long and hard about the full extent of the slave trade in the world today, and how we might increase freedom for all living beings, at home and abroad. After I hit the "publish button", I took my own advice to heart and did some additional research on the issue, and came upon some excellent resources. So if I inspired you to delve deeper into the topic of bondage and abolition, I highly recommend the following TED Talk, How To Combat Modern Slavery.
First, a quick note about Ted Talks Director; it is a foundation that hosts annual conferences where the world's foremost thinkers -- and doers -- are invited to speak briefly on their respectives areas of expertise. These talks are recorded and then uploaded to the internet for the world to see. I can hardly think of any other site on the internet that is more jam-packed with mind-blowing facts and heart-stirring insights. And fittingly, just last week on the very night of the Passover Seder, they published a talk on the topic of modern-day slavery.
The lecturer, Kevin Bales, details the real face of indentured servitude with stories and statistics, haunting photographs and uplifting film clips. Don't skip this video for fear of getting depressed; Bales analyses the economic implications of the slave trade and offers up a convincing argument: that if we muster up the political capital, the entire enterprise could be extinguished permanently. This twenty-minute clip shines a light on some of the saddest suffering in the world today -- and maybe our greatest opportunity for redemption. Enjoy, and Happy Passover.