Investigative journalist David Sheen lectures on the topics that he reports on, and for the last decade he has spoken at dozens of college campuses throughout the USA and Canada, and for European parliaments and civil society groups. To invite Sheen to speak in your community: d [at] davidsheen [dot] com
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The Kahane Effect
Premiere: 2023

With the far right in the ascendancy around the world, in Israel the Kahane movement, once shunned for its blatant racism even by Israeli standards, has been catapulted into power, becoming the third-largest party in parliament. Who are these followers of the late arch-racist Rabbi Meir Kahane, and how did they become the kingmakers of the Knesset? Analysis from the front lines of Israel's race wars, with the journalist who most closely covered the their rise to power over the past decade, David Sheen.
Gaslight Unto the Nations
Premiere: 2024

In the past, there was broad consensus that the term anti-semitism meant prejudice against people just because they're Jewish. But today, the term is coming to take on new meanings, including critique of the State of Israel, its actions and its ethnocratic character. In an Orwellian inversion, anti-racist criticism of Israel's discrimination against non-Jews have been redefined as a racist hatred of Jews, in an attempt to strip Palestinians (and their allies) of even the right to protest their own daily dispossession. With the Zionist narrative seemingly cementing itself as the only expressible one, what is needed now is a long, hard look at the leading lobbyists responsible, and how they are gaslighting the mainstream media into complicity. The latest lecture from investigative journalist and human rights defender David Sheen.
Jewish Politics Decoded
Premiere: 2025

In the past decade, the Israeli government and its supporters have demanded that any peace deal with their neighbors hinge on the latter agreeing to accept Israel as a "Jewish state". But in all that time, when asked what this would entail in practice for the fourteen million people who fall under Israeli control - half of whom aren't Jewish - no detailed answers have been forthcoming. This isn't only because conceding to this demand would sanction racial and religious discrimination against non-Jews, but also because there is no consensus on what Judaism is - even amongst Jews themselves. Local journalist and human rights defender David Sheen charts the history of how Jewish people came to be, how they have evolved religiously and politically over thousands of years, and what those many changes mean for modern-day politics in Israel*Palestine.
Israel Inverted
Premiere: 2026

As the far-right surges in popularity all over the planet, the history of World War Two is being revised and inverted to whitewash fascist movements past and present. Retracing the ultra-nationalist upsurge a century ago is of special importance to us in Israel-Palestine, since this history forever altered our own political trajectory. How did grass-roots Jews and community bigwigs react in real time as the logic of ethnic cleansing earned intellectual currency? Knowing how our ancestors responded to the rise of Nazism could very well reshape our own answers to maybe the most important question: whether the moral lesson of the Holocaust is "Never Again, for our group only" or "Never Again, for anyone". An upcoming lecture from investigative journalist and human rights defender David Sheen.