31 Flavours of Rumble Pie
In 2009, I was paid by a conventional landscaping firm in Toronto, Canada, to create an ecological business plan for the company. As part of that job, I authored a multitude of articles about transitioning to a more sustainable way of terraforming the earth. By the end of my term, my text-heavy deep ecology blog was receiving as much net traffic as the firm's flash-animated corporate website that was being paid-advertised on Google. I hope that the company will accept most of my recommendations to design and build backyard permaculture plots; they have already built a beautiful "living wall" that I laid out, a vertical garden that filters indoor air. Although I often make specific mention of the particular company, I feel that the articles are still important enough in a general sense to post up on my own website. If you didn't catch them the first time around, and you want to jack up your eco-intelligence quotient, check out the blog Rumble Pie.