Spring 2010
Work on Sharing & Caring is temporarily delayed while I complete post-production on my previous film, FIRST EARTH: Uncompromising Ecological Architecture. PM Press officially releases the film, freeing me up to concentrate on Sharing & Caring.
Winter 2010
I got married and moved back to Tel Aviv. The film is temporarily in limbo while I resettle my family on the other side of the planet, trying to find a new job and apartment, so work on the film can continue after hours.
Fall 2009
Sharing & Caring volunteers Marcia Ostrovsky, Momoko Price, Melissa Berney, Dane Somogyary & Anne Ennis have kindly contributed their time and energy to transcribe most of the interviews that we conducted in the spring of 2009. Thank you!
Summer 2009
Sarona Collins, a woman that I met when I spent a couple of weeks at GANAS, was inspired by the goals of the project and decided to support Sharing & Caring by buying us a brand new Gigabyte-and-a-half hard drive, so that we can continue to collect new footage. Thank you, Sarona!
Spring 2009
The Sharing & Caring project is launched with a communities tour of more than a dozen intentional communities in the eastern half of the United States. After over two years at Samar, the longest I have lived in any one place in a decade, I'm back on the road, trying to figure out the real meaning of healthy home.