SHATNEZ Tours of Israel*Palestine with local journalist David Sheen
On SHATNEZ tours you'll learn about the peoples living in the land and the colorful cultures that enrich its history, from the first hominid hunter-gatherers to the two halves of the population presently contesting for control of the country, and lots of competing empires in between. Experience Israel*Palestine with local journalist DAVID SHEEN as your guide. Contact: shatneztours [at] gmail [dot] com

SHATNEZ ½ day walking tour of HAIFA


SHATNEZ ½ day walking tour of ACRE


SHATNEZ full day tour of the LOWLANDS



In the Torah, SHATNEZ is the strange name given to clothing made from multiple types of fibers: those culled from animals, like wool, and those harvested from plants, like linen. Some Jews frown upon these hybrid fabrics and other forms of intermixing, but this Jew sees SHATNEZ as a positive concept, and aims to reclaim it. I believe that there is no separate thread, no solitary narrative that explains all of history -- in this land or in any other. In order to best understand this country's past, present, and future, we need a much richer picture of our composite reality; we need to study multiple perspectives. We need more SHATNEZ!


SHATNEZ ½ day walking tour of the Old City


SHATNEZ tours of the GALILEE


SHATNEZ tours of the NEGEV